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Praised by reviewers and audiences for his “profound” and “engaging” style, tenor BRADLEY KING is establishing himself as one of the most versatile singers in the country.  He performs regularly with Boston Early Music Festival, the Rose Ensemble, Pomerium, Mountainside Baroque, and numerous other ensembles.  On the stage he has performed such diverse roles as Anthony from Sweeney Todd and Colin from Le Devin du Village.


Recently, Mr. King created the role of Dr. Neare in Princeton Sound Kitchen’s production of The Analyzing Engine by Andrew Lovett.  The singer has also regularly been chosen to participate in prestigious summer festivals and programs, such as Fall Island Vocal Seminar.  King has also appeared with Apollo's Fire, Masterworks Chorale, Makaris, SONARE, Cerddorion Vocal Ensemble, and the Choir of St. John the Divine with conductor Kent Tritle.


Hailing from Media, Pennsylvania, Mr. King holds degrees in voice and conducting from DePauw University and the University of North Texas and has won numerous awards and competitions including the Fritz Lockeman Award, NATS State and Regional Auditions, and the James Toland Vocal Arts Competition.


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"Bradley King wrenched every ounce of torment from Grimoaldo’s 'Fatto inferno' from Rodelinda."
                                                  - New York Concert Review 



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